Boots2Roots is the only organization in Maine working with active-duty military members twelve to eighteen months before the leave service to help them find meaningful work in Maine. Boots2Roots is also on the front line of workforce development, providing a pipeline of new workforce talent to Maine employers.
Who we work with:
- Active-duty military members and their spouses who are planning to put down roots in Maine, and
- Veterans who may be working someplace else but are interested in moving to Maine.
What we provide:
Personalized self-assessment, resume, and interview coaching, peer mentoring, Maine business connections, and local networking.
Boots2Roots’ two primary goals:
That transitioning active-duty members will:
- Find meaningful employment within two months of arriving in Maine
- Remain in their first post-military job for at least one year
In addition to our commitment to meeting these goals, our staff is dedicated to helping connect you with necessary community contacts before & during your transition to Maine. For example, realtors, veterans’ resource organizations, schools, industry contacts, etc. Our most successful candidates start working on their transition to Maine 12-18 months before they arrive.